Time Systems Support

Time Systems Support

kb Knowledge Base Article

XactTime Admin Home Page


The information in this article applies to:


Admin Home Page

The Admin Home page is an administrator’s workspace. The Admin Home page shows
important system and employee data. It also contains links to all administrative functions
within XactTime. From the Admin Home page, you can manage employees, link to
configuration screens, and generally administer your company’s XactTime account.

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This section shows all employees with missing clock ins, clock outs and auto clock outs for the date range displayed.

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Generated Reports

With XactTime, you must generate reports from the Reports page, before you can view
them. Once a report is generated, it is listed in the Generated Reports section of the Admin
Home page, from which you may preview and print reports. You may also delete a
generated report from this section. The listing displays the generated report’s name and the
generation date.
Note: The reports listed in this section will be the same under each employee, regardless of
the current employee selected for all public reports. Reports are employee-specific only when designated as private reports in the report scheduling process.

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Setting Description

Report Name
Click Report Name to view the report.
Generated Date
Displays the date the report was generated.
Displays the time the report was generated.
Delete button
To delete the report, check the box next to the report and click Delete Marked Reports.
Preview a Generated Report

1. Click the desired report’s name in the Generated Reports section. The Generated
Reports page loads showing your report.

Delete a Generated Report

1. Check the box next to the reports you would like to delete.
2. Click Delete Marked Reports.

Search Section

The Search section of the Admin Home page helps you find employees quickly. You can
search by name, employee number, badge number, or social security number. You can also
filter to show only the members of a particular department.
Tip: Several features in XactTime allow you to perform actions on the results of a search.
For example, the Quick Message feature allows you to send messages to all the people in
the current search results list. If you wanted to send a message to everyone in the Tax
department, you could first perform a search and then use the Quick Message function to send the message.

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Perform a Basic Search

1. Go to the Search section of the Admin Home page.
2. Fill in the settings as appropriate:
a. Search for: Enter the criteria for which you wish to search. See Search Tips for
additional assistance.
b. Search by: Select the field in which you wish to search. The options are: Last Name,
First Name, Badge Number, Employee ID, and SSN.
c. Employee Group: Select the employee group in which you wish to search.
d. Sort by: Select the field by which you wish to sort. The options are: Last Name, First
Name, Badge Number, Employee ID, and SSN.
e. Include inactive employees: By default, inactive employees do not appear in the
employee listing. Select this option if you wish to display inactive employees.
3. To perform the search, click Search. The Search Results section displays the
employees who match the criteria specified.

Search Tips

XactTime allows you to use wildcards in searches. Wildcards represent unknown characters
in a search. For example, if all you knew was that Mary’s last name started with S, you could
use wildcards to fill in for all the characters after the S. Your results would show everyone
whose last name begins with S, followed by any other characters.

Wildcards are helpful in a variety of situations. For example, searching for everyone whose
name starts with a particular letter or a range of letters (A through L, for example) or
searching for a name that you are not sure how to spell.
For even more powerful searches, Wildcards can be used in combination.
XactTime recognizes the following wildcard characters.
Character Description
Stands for any number of characters. Place this
wildcard wherever the unknown characters would
Example: To find a name:
• Starting with A: A%
• With an A in it: %A%
• Ending with A: %A

Stands for one character. Place this wildcard
wherever the unknown character would be.
Example: Sm_th would find Smith and Smyth

[ ]
Searches for items that match the entries between
the brackets; (see the next two items below for
examples of entries).
[ - ] Searches for items that match the range of values
entered between the brackets.
Examples: [A-M]% would return anyone whose
name began with any character between A and M

[ , ]
Searches for items that match any of the values
entered between the brackets.
[A, L, R]% would return anyone whose name began
with A, with L, or with R.
Negates a character.
For example, ^A would return anyone whose name
did NOT begin with A.


The following examples describe how to accomplish some common searches.

Example 1: Find employees named Smith

1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:

a. In Search for enter Smith.
b. In Search by select Last Name.
c. In Search in, Select the department of your choice (or leave to
search all employees in the organization).
d. In Sort by select Last Name.
2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Example 2: Find employees within a certain department

1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:
a. Leave Search for blank.
b. In Search by, select Last Name.
c. In Search in, select the department of your choice.
d. In Sort by, select your preference.

2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Example 3: Find employees whose last names begin with C
1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:
a. In Search for, enter C%.
b. In Search by, select Last Name.
c. In Search in, select the department of your choice (or leave to
search all employees in the organization).
d. In Sort by, select your preference.

2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Example 4: Find employees whose last names contain an S
1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:
a. In Search for, enter %S%
b. In Search by, select Last Name.
c. In Search in, select the department of your choice (or leave to
search all employees in the organization).
d. In Sort by, select your preference.

2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Example 5: Find employees whose last names begin with A, L or R

1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:
a. In Search for, enter [A, L, R]%
b. In Search by, select Last Name.
c. In Search in, select the department of your choice (or leave to
search all employees in the organization).
d. In Sort by, select your preference.

2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Example 6: Find employees whose last names begin with A through F

1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:
a. In Search for, enter [A-F]%
b. In Search by, select Last Name.
c. In Search in, select the department of your choice (or leave to
search all employees in the organization).
d. In Sort by, select your preference.

2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Example 7: Find employees whose ID number is between 1 and 100

1. Fill in the Search fields as follows:
a. In Search for, enter [1-100]%
b. In Search by, select Employee ID.
c. In Search in, select the department of your choice (or leave to
search all employees in the organization).
d. In Sort by, select your preference.

2. Click Search and the results display in the Search Results section.

Search Results Section

The Search Results section displays the results of your last search. The number of the presently displayed page and the total number of pages found in the search appears below the list. To navigate to another page, click Next. To skip to a specific page, enter the desired page number and click Go.

Tip: Some XactTime features and pages allow you to perform actions on the current search result list. For example, you could assign a department to everyone in the Search Results list.

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Select an Employee

In the Search Results list, click the employee’s name. The employee’s name appears in the

Current Employee section.

Current Employee and Employee Summary
The Current Employee section indicates the currently selected employee. The subsection displays the selected employee’s name. The Summary area directly below the subsection shows the selected employee’s basic information at a glance. Many of the other sections on
this page also reflect the selected employee’s information.
The following information is displayed in the Current Employee and Employee Summary sections:

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Setting Description

Select this option if you would like to add a new
employee to the system.
Select this option if you would like to edit the current
employee’s information (or you can click the
employee’s name, as described above).
Employee Name
Displays the name of the selected employee.
Status Displays whether or not the employee is active.
Employee ID
Displays the selected employee’s unique employee
ID number.
Badge Number
Displays the badge number (for use with hardware
clocks) of the selected employee.
Displays the social security number (SSN) of the
selected employee.
Last Name
Displays the last name of the selected employee.

Tip: To customize the employee summary fields go to your Personal Settings icon.

Adding an Employee

1. In the Current Employee section, click Add. The Add Employee page loads.

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a. First Name: Enter the employee’s first name. This field is required
b. Last Name: Enter the employee’s last name. This field is required.
c. Middle Name: Enter the employee’s middle name or initial.
d. Title: Enter the employee’s business title.
e. Employee Number: Enter the unique ID number that will identify this employee.
This field is required. This field is alphanumeric. Maximum number of characters is
20. This number must match the employee number in the payroll software.
f. Badge Number: Enter the number of the physical badge given to the employee. The
badge number must be numeric and must match the number on the physical badge
given to the employee. Note: It is not necessary to put in leading zeros.
g. Start Date: Enter the employee’s hire date.
h. End Date: Enter the employee’s termination date, if applicable.
i. SSN: Enter the employee’s social security number.
j. Time Zone: Choose the time zone in which the employee works. This field is
k. Status: Enter whether the employee is Active or Inactive. The Active value is used
for employees who are currently working for the company and are clocking in or out.
The Inactive value is used for employees who are no longer working for the company
and are not clocking in or out.
Note: An employee will not be able to clock in or out if his or her status is Inactive.
Also, inactive employees do not display in the employee listing (unless the Include
Inactive Employees option is selected).

a. Phone
: Enter the employee’s primary contact phone number.
b. Street: Enter the street address for the employee.
c. Phone 2: Enter employee’s alternative contact phone number.
d. City: Enter the employee’s city.
e. E-Mail: Enter the employee’s e-mail address.
f. State: Enter the employee’s state.
g. Zip: Enter the employee’s zip code.


Note: Default departments and default jobs appear only when editing an employee.

a. Payroll Policy: Select the payroll policy template that applies for this employee.
b. Salary Type: Select the appropriate salary type for the employee. The options are
Salaried and Hourly. This setting works in combination with the Pay Rate field below.
c. Employee Type: Select the tax status for the employee. The options are Non-
Exempt and Exempt.
d. Pay Rate: Enter the employee’s pay rate. This is calculated according to the option
selected in the Salary Type field. Salaries should be yearly.
e. Shift Differential: Select the shift differential template for the employee.
f. Enforce Schedule: Choose whether the employee is to be restricted to working his
or her schedule. If this setting is checked, the employee may only clock in or out
when scheduled to clock in or out.
g. Holiday List: Select the holiday list applicable for this employee.


a. Click the Change Labor Level link and select the employees default labor levels from the
drop down menus. All hours will be assigned to these levels unless otherwise specified by
the employee or manager making a manual change.

BENEFIT Section:

b. Accrual Rule: Select the benefits accrual rule (also called benefit Policy) applicable
for this employee.
c. Reset Date: Enter the benefits reset date for this employee. In most cases this date
should match the employees hire date (start date). Reset dates can be globally set
for the entire company or set individually for each employee. If the Use Global
Benefits Reset Date option is selected on the General Configuration page, this field
displays and cannot be changed.
e. Initial Time: This box should not be used at any time. The system will automatically
place the carryover hours from the prior year in this field. Do not edit this field, it will
effect the calculating of the employees benefit balance.


These fields are specific to your company. See the Custom Personal Information page for
details. Where applicable, enter the corresponding information for each custom field.


a. Allow this Employee to Access the system through the Web: Check this option if
the employee may access to the XactTime Employee page or Admin Home page. If
this setting is not checked, the employee will not be able to access XactTime at all.
b. Web Login ID: Enter the login ID for this employee. This is the login the employee
will use when accessing XactTime. The maximum number of characters is 20.
c. Password: Enter the password for this employee. The maximum number of
characters is 20.
d. Confirm Password: Enter the password for this employee again to confirm it. The
maximum number of characters is 20.
e. Security Group: Select the appropriate security access for this employee. The
options are User Access Only, Admin (full administrative access), and any security
group templates (department-restricted administrative access) that may have been
created. User Access Only allows the employee to use XactTime to clock in and out
and view his or her own benefits, schedule, hours, and messages. It does not allow
access to any system-wide centers or settings. For more information, see the
Feature Access Templates section.
f. IP Access Policy: Select the appropriate IP access policy for this employee. This
policy restricts the locations from which the employee may access the XactTime site.
g. Allow Employee to clock in/out through the Web: Select this option if the
employee may use XactTime to clock in and out, clock to lunches and breaks, and
transfer departments and jobs.
h. Allow Employee to submit Timesheets for: Select this option if the employee may
submit timesheets through XactTime.
i. Work Hours: Select this option if the employee may submit timesheets for hours
coded as the work pay type.
j. Default Clock-In Time: Enter the default clock-in time for work entries submitted
through timesheets.
k. Non-Work Hours: Select this option if the employee may submit timesheets for
hours coded as non-work pay types. This includes hours coded as vacation, sick,
personal, etc
l. Default Non-Work Hours to “Paid”: Select this option if hours coded to the nonwork
pay types are to be paid by default.
m. Track Attendance Only: Click this box if you would like to have the employee only
clock in and get a standard amount of hours for that day. The amount of time posted
each time the employee clocks in is entered in the “Shift Length in Minutes” box.

2. To save the entry, click Apply. Note: The employee will not be added and the entry will
be lost if you do not click Apply.

Editing an Employee’s Information

1. In the Current Employee section, verify that the employee you wish to edit is displayed. If
not, first select the employee in the Search Results section.
2. In the Current Employee section, click the employee’s name or click Edit Employee.
The Edit Employee page loads.
3. Fill out the settings as appropriate. For more details on these settings, see Adding an

Deleting an Employee

Note: It is not recommended to delete an employee when they leave the company. If you
delete an employee you will loose ALL of their time history. We recommend that you make
the employee inactive by clicking the Edit Employee link and choosing the inactive radio

1. In the Current Employee section, verify that the employee you wish to delete is
displayed. If not, first select the employee in the Search Results section.
2. In the Current Employee section, click Delete. The Confirmation page loads.
3. To confirm the deletion, click Yes or to cancel and return to the Admin Home page, click


KB0066 Published 27th Jan 2014


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